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My name is Jeff Slaughter and I’m a content marketing writer based in Shreveport, Louisiana.

As a content marketing writer for B2B and B2C, I primarily write blog posts. I work one-on-one with CEOs, physicians, office managers and marketing directors to deliver content marketing pieces that are strategic, original and results-driven.

Most of my client communication is email and telephone-based so I can pretty much work for anyone in the world and from anywhere in the world. But I can also work face-to-face with clients in northwest Louisiana.

Your typical word nerd, I served as editor of my high school and college newspapers, wrote 300+ articles for local, regional and national magazines, spent more than a decade as a public relations manager in healthcare and then spent the next phase of my life in non-profit work.

Today, as a content marketing writer, I work with a variety of interesting clients including:

What kind of writer am I?

  • I’m strategic, creative and pretty fast.
  • I’m easy to work with, enjoy a hearty laugh, but am serious about the work.
  • I’m a continuing learner:
    • A student of Ray Edwards’ Copywriting Academy
    • A student of Jeff Goins’ Tribewriters Course
    • A student of Copyblogger’s Content Marketing Course

If you like what you see on my site and would like to talk shop, contact me here.

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