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If you run a business or direct a non-profit, chances are you can identify with at least one of these:

  • Your plate is full with operations and activities and you don’t have the time to write.
  • You enjoy writing but need help with strategy and storytelling.
  • You don’t like to write – plain and simple and want someone to do it for you.

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above scenarios, I would like to write for you.

About Me
Your typical word nerd, I served as editor of my high school and college newspapers, wrote 300+ articles for local, regional and national magazines, spent more than a decade as a public relations manager in healthcare, and for the past 25 years, have worked in the non-profit and ministry sector.

Some of the organizations I’ve written for include:

  • Methodist Rehabilitation Center
  • Global International Church Network (Springfield, Missouri)
  • Fellowship of International Church Network (Budapest, Hungary)
  • Continental Theological Seminary (Brussels, Belgium)
  • Make the World Mobile (Atlanta, Georgia)
  • Price Skincare (Jackson, Mississippi)
  • Elevate Europe (Brussels, Belgium)

  • What Kind of Writer Am I?
    * I’m strategic, creative, and pretty fast.
    * I’m easy to work with, enjoy a hearty laugh, but am serious about the work.
    * I’m a continuing learner:

    In addition to earning a double major in Public Relations and Business I am:
    * A student of Ray Edwards’ Copywriting Academy
    * A student of David Oaks Visionary Fundraising Mastermind
    * A student of Kay Helm’s Mission Writer’s Course

    If you like what you see on my site and would like to talk about me writing for your business or non-profit, please contact me here.

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